Lol, sometimes, the only thing a cantankerous little bastard needs is a gingerly placed scrotal stomp. And if someone is gonna troll properly, they need more than caps-lock and tired gimmick.
Hahaa! I gotta give it up to alcohol as well as his good buddies in the anti-depressant family... changed my life forever. : \
i dont promote hate but that reply to MrCock is Epic. The equivalent of being kicked in the balls but on the internet.
I turned the way I am from alchohol and cigarettes. No im not blaming them, just congratulating them!
Lol, sometimes, the only thing a cantankerous little bastard needs is a gingerly placed scrotal stomp. And if someone is gonna troll properly, they need more than caps-lock and tired gimmick.
Hahaa! I gotta give it up to alcohol as well as his good buddies in the anti-depressant family... changed my life forever. : \